Charities for Palestine

Some of the non-profit organizations I have found that support Palestine and/or are on the ground in Gaza.

Others ways to support:
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HEAL Palestine

Through Health, Education, Aid, and Leadership, HEAL Palestine is working to provide every young Palestinian in Gaza a chance for a brighter future.

Palestine's Children Relief Fund (PCRF)

The funds raised will primarily focus on immediate relief, including providing essential medical supplies, food, medical treatment, clean water, and other necessities for families affected by the conflict.

Palestine Red Crescent Society

The National Society’s mission is to provide humanitarian assistance as well as health and social services to Palestinians whenever and wherever needed.

UN Crisis Relief - Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund

Your donation will go to the Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund – one of the quickest and most effective ways to support urgent relief on the ground. The Fund collects contributions continuously.

Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) continues to call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to attacks on hospitals and civilians in Gaza. Medical facilities and personnel must be protected and respected; hospitals and ambulances are not targets.

Middle East Children's Alliance

While Israel is causing death, injury, and trauma, MECA's staff and local partners in Gaza are on the ground responding to the most urgent needs of children and families--food, clean water, medical aid, psychological support, and more.


UNICEF is on the ground in Gaza, striving to meet the urgent needs of Palestinian children and their families, many of whom have been forced out of their homes multiple times in the seven months.

Palestine Solidarity Campaign

The majority of our funds are spent directly on our campaigns: organising protests, meetings, lobbies, and vigils; and paying for technology, leaflets, equipment, our office, and small staff team.